Women’s History Month – A Celebration of Women We Love and Admire
A few weeks ago on International Women’s Day, you may know there were a lot of protests which took the form of a Day Without A Woman. I was totally still working – but I wanted to share a little something about why, so I shared this photo of my parents. And it kicked off a whole series of instagrams celebrating Women’s History Month by honoring some of the women we at Krista Photography love and admire. The month’s not quite over yet, so I’m still posting over at @kristaphoto – but I thought it’d be fun to post a few collections of the images here on the blog as well! Check out the first week of the series…. the comment for each photo is beneath it.
On this Day Without Women, I’ll be sitting here working in my woman-owned business, that employees a handful of women, and serves a crap-load of women because for me that’s the best way to support and encourage Women today. I have to give a shout-out to the woman who went before me and proved to me at a very early age that a woman can run her own business, she can work and have kids, and can even make more than her husband. She showed me what it looks like to work hard, care about the work you’re doing, and push through the challenges. And to the man who reinforced all of that by supporting her through all of it. I’m thankful for my feminist parents who have never had to use the word feminist to show me that men & women are equal ❤️🙌🏻👊🏻
#internationalwomensday has me thinking about all the women that inspire me… and I’m totally OVERWHELMED! There are SO many of my friends, family and especially our clients who inspire me daily. So, I’m thinking for the rest of day, and the rest of the month, we’re going to spend some time honoring those women! I texted CoCo to see if she had some stories of how her brides have inspired her, and I think she summed it up perfectly: ⠀ ⠀ “Just the fact our business is the definition of Women holding up and supporting other women. We would be NOWHERE without all our amazing brides, they love and inspire so many people in their lives in big and small ways, but when it comes down to it, they are what keep us successful year after year. They hold us up and we hold them up, in every shape size and color.”⠀ ⠀ So, from CoCo & I on this beautiful day celebrating women… THANK YOU, ladies! Thank you to each and every woman who has put her memories, her families, her relationships, her face, her insecurities, and frankly her money into our hands and trusted us with them all! We hope we’ve given you a glimpse of TRUTH and the BEAUTY of all of those memories, families, relationships, faces, and personalities! We love & appreciate you so much!! 💗⠀
One more shout out for #internationalwomensday! This time I want to give a little love to one of the hardest working ladies I know… the one and only @CoCoBoardman! As long as I’ve known her, she has HUSTLED! Working two or even three jobs at a time to give herself & her family the life she wants. She’s smart, talented, funny, charming, loyal and dedicated. She was even shooting a wedding just 2 weeks before little Henry came along! She’s not messin’ around! She loves her clients, loves her friends & loves her family with a fierceness. And man, she gives the best hugs!!! I seriously don’t know where I’d be without this lady. I’m so proud to have her on my side, on my team, and in my life! 💗 🐳 ⠀
#internationalwomensday might be over, but we’re not even close to done honoring the women that inspire us! ⠀ ⠀ This lady is not only my sister and best friend, she is one of my absolute heroes! In this day and age, I think a lot of feminists might not think that a Pastor’s wife who’s homeschooling 3 kids is a feminist hero. And if I gave Kyla 1,000 words to describe herself, “feminist” wouldn’t even be on the list. But the thing I believe about feminism is that our God-given equality gives us the FREEDOM to CHOOSE how to live the life that’s best for us & for our families.⠀ ⠀ Kyla has made some hard choices to do what she believes is best for her family, and I admire her for that! When she chooses what’s best for her kids over what might be easier, I admire her selflessness. When she chooses to submit to her husband out of reverence for Christ, I admire her self-control, lol. When she chooses to serve others instead of flopping down on the sofa, I admire her strength. When she chooses to make peace instead of making a point, I admire her kindness. When she chooses to trust God with the scary things in life instead of taking them into her own hands, I admire her faith. And when I look at the INCREDIBLE humans she is raising – truly the best kids I’ve ever met (I might be biased, but seriously, they are the most amazing people!) – I admire the way she LOVES! ⠀ ⠀ The very things I admire in her and love about her are the things I aspire to for myself, they are her Christlikeness – and the areas where I am most weak. For all of the ways that we are similar, I love most the ways that God has made us different from one another! I get to learn from her just by walking alongside her through life. How #blessed am I to have a sister like that?!⠀
Brilliant doctor. Bad-ass crossfitter. Ridiculously thoughtful, welcoming & loving. Absolutely gorgeous. What’s not to love about Marleny?! #latinafire 😉 #celebratingwomen #kristaphoto #womenshistorymonth
Here’s to all the Mama’s out there raising their little girls to be smart, brave, strong, funny, and kind! Especially Moms like Rhetta, who are raising little girls who do science fair projects on “Extracting DNA From Fruit.” I mean, come ON!! Her kids are the coolest, and she’s pretty freakin’ awesome! I’m seriously lucky to have had the opportunity to get to know her over the course of the last 13 years of photographing her family! ⠀#kristaphoto⠀#celebratingwomen
To all the Grandmas out there, still rocking out on the dancefloor – especially if you’re keeping the PhotoBooth props for the rest of the night… we salute you, we love you, you are our FAVORITES!! 💗⠀#kristaphoto #celebratingwomen
Let’s take a minute and celebrate this lady! Jennifer is an awesome Mom, a loving wife, a talented Nurse Practioner, an avid reader, and a faithful friend! It’s really easy for friendships to fall away when friends get married and have babies and all the craziness comes. But this woman has never stopped reaching out to me – inviting me over for Saturday morning waffles, sending me photos and videos of the kids every couple of days, hiring me to document her family again & again, stopping by so I can snuggle her babies for a couple minutes, praying for me & loving me well! She’s a better friend than nearly anyone I know, and she’s definitely a better friend to me than I am in return! I aspire to her kind of faithful friendship – it is God’s love in action, such a beautiful example of grace. I am so thankful for her!! ⠀#kristaphoto #celebratingwomen
Shout out to our brides serving in the military – and all the other badass women serving beside them! Not only are we crazy impressed by you – we are so thankful for all you do!!! 🇺🇸👊🏻❤️⠀#kristaphoto #celebratingwomen
Shout out to all the mamas out there who are literally juggling two babies at the same time! Giving birth to twins, then managing twin newborns, and then twin toddlers, and someday twin teenagers… let’s just say we know you’ve gotta have twice the strength, twice the patience, and twice the craziness, as well as twice the joy! We think you’re pretty amazing!! 💗💗⠀ ⠀ #kristaphoto⠀#celebratingwomen
Cheers to Lephan who’s putting herself out there on her lifestyle & travel blog Macarons & Lavender! Head on over to @macaronsandlavender to check out all the recipes and envy-inducing photos from Paris, Charleston & Chicago! We wanna go with you on your next trip, lady! xoxo ⠀Photo by @CoCoBoardman
We’ve definitely got more to share, so come back in a couple of days to see more of the beautiful women we’re honoring!