I’m kinda wishing I’d started this series sooner and posted more frequently in the beginning because now I’ve got like a HUNDRED women I’d like to celebrate, and only a day and a half left in Women’s History Month!! I suppose I can save a few for next year … or maybe this should be a continuing series? What say you, internet?!
Meanwhile, here’s another round of our Celebrating Women instagram series! Leave us a note and tell us who some of the women YOU celebrate are!
Man, there is nothing like a big hug from a good friend!! We at Krista Photography are definitely huggers so we totally love it when we get to the point with our brides that hugs are expected 😉 Got a friend who needs a hug, or who gives great hugs – tag them below to send them some love! And this one’s for you… huuugggggsssss!!! 🤗💗⠀ #kristaphoto⠀#celebratingwomen #womenshistorymonth⠀📷: CoCo Boardman⠀
If you’ve been following us for even like two days, you know that Krista Photography is made up of Principal Photographer Krista Guenin & Associate Photographer CoCo Boardman. But unless you’re already a client and have actually spent some time emailing us over the last two years, you might not know our Studio Manager, Jen! I met Jen through our church – and her kids are bff with my sister’s kids – and we only kinda sorta knew one another. But one day I was basically whining about how we needed a Studio Manager and were having SUCH a hard time finding someone – and Jen said, “I could do that!” Jen’s never managed a photography studio, and isn’t even that interested in photography, but what she IS into is the purpose that drives our business! Jen was still homeschooling one of her kids, and she wasn’t even looking for a job – but she stepped in because she wanted to HELP me live out my PURPOSE! How freaking cool is that?! Along the way, she’s learned a lot about photography (or maybe more about photographers, lol) and weddings and things like ShootQ and ShootProof and Quickbooks. She’s taken over pieces of my job that I’ve dreamed of giving up for a long long time. She is like the perfect example of #womensupportingwomen!! I would seriously go crazy without her, and I am so thankful that she said YES to what God is doing here and dove right in!!! 💗 And also, she so doesn’t like attention and is totally going to hate this – so leave her some love and let’s completely embarrass her 😉 #kristaphoto #celebratingwomen for #womenshistorymonth⠀
Cheers to ladies who laugh with their whole bodies!! We love you, we love to photograph you, you make us smile 🤗 ⠀#kristaphoto #celebratingwomen #womenshistorymonth⠀📷: CoCoBoardman⠀
We just want to give a little love to all the mamas out there who have expanded their families through adoption! We know it’s not easy, even though it’s hugely rewarding. We know it’s just as heartbreaking as it is joyous. We know it takes a lot of patience, and selflessness, and humility and GRACE. And we think you are truly amazing! You absolutely inspire us and are definitely our #superheroes!!⠀#kristaphoto #womenshistorymonth #celebratingwomen
Throwback to that one time I created some headshots for Marie Whitney – the next #bosslady in our Celebrating Women series! When I took this portrait a few years ago, Marie’s company TWO PENNY BLUE was still in the dream & planning stages. Now, it is an incredible company that combines luxe fashion, philanthropy and empowering women… some of my favorite things! For every jacket sold, a school uniform is donated to a girl in need in Africa – how awesome is that?! ⠀#kristaphoto #celebratingwomen #womenshistorymonth⠀
Come back tomorrow for our last Celebrating Women post for Women’s History Month!