As I mentioned in my last post, a few of my photographer friends recently got together for a Headshot Shootout at one of their studios. It was pretty much an excuse to get together to chat and drink champagne, plus get some fresh headshots while we were at it! I haven’t updated my official headshot since like 2012, so I figured it was, um, time. It was totally fun to see everyone and hang out, and naturally a nightmare to be photographed. See, I’m just like you. I don’t enjoy that side of the camera any more than anyone else – especially since I’ve gained a lot of weight in recent years. I just feel a little more self-conscious than I used to. I feel a little less like myself, so I’m less comfortable (not that I started out enjoying it or anything, lol). So, I awkwardly sat in front of my friends and let them shoot me in the face, and it was super awkward but really encouraging and interesting to see the results! We all had access to the same lighting and just the one background to work with, but the photos still turned out different. It was fun to see how different each photographer’s shooting style and editing style was different. I thought I’d share some of the results here so you could get a taste!
First up was my friend Kristin Chalmers… I love the posing table she used. Get a load of my suuuuuuper fake smile. I had not had enough champagne yet, I don’t think. But I still like this one a lot!

Next up, my buddy Meg Belanger. Meg’s probably the person there who knows me the best, so I feel like she may have gotten the most natural photos of me. There’s just something about feeling known by the person behind the camera that puts you more at ease. Mental note for me as I photograph YOU…

Meg busted out the ring light and the high powered Beyonce fan… you have to love that!

Next up, Joe Gonzalez-Dufresne! Here I am on my 4th outfit change, like a crazy person. I tend to get right up in people’s faces, but I like how Joe took a step back and got a little more breathing room in there. I am mostly dying over how bad my posture is here though. Mental note, sit up straight. All the time.

© Jospeh Gonzalez-Dufresne
Last up was Jessica McHale. Admittedly, I’ve been photographed by a lot of people at this point and I’ve felt ridiculous the entire time, so it was hard for me to relax. But Jessica just kept getting me to laugh, and man that made all the difference in the world!

So, what do you think?! Can you see the difference in their styles? Which one is your favorite?! For those that know me, which one feels most like ME? I’m super curious to hear your thoughts!