After feeling all awkward about being photographed at the Headshot Shootout, and not having seen the great results yet, I thought it’d be good to have someone I KNOW I’m comfortable being photographed by take a stab at getting a new headshot. For me, that person is obviously CoCo! She was planning on swinging by the office that week anyway, so I figured we might as well photograph each other and both get some pics that are a good match to our typical style. I mean, I LOVE the images my friends captured – but anything CoCo shoots is definitely going to look more like it belongs on our website since she’s all over the site already. That, plus I tend to prefer more environmental portraits, and my normally curly hair just feels more like me. And now I have one million photos of myself to choose from – so that’s enough to last another seven years I think! Anyway, check out my favorite portraits I made of CoCo first…
Photographers Photographing Photographers, part deux

As I mentioned in my last post, a few of my photographer friends recently got together for a Headshot Shootout at one of their studios. It was pretty much an excuse to get together to chat and drink champagne, plus get some fresh headshots while we were at it! I haven’t updated my official headshot since like 2012, so I figured it was, um, time. It was totally fun to see everyone and hang out, and naturally a nightmare to be photographed. See, I’m just like you. I don’t enjoy that side of the camera any more than anyone else – especially since I’ve gained a lot of weight in recent years. I just feel a little more self-conscious than I used to. I feel a little less like myself, so I’m less comfortable (not that I started out enjoying it or anything, lol). So, I awkwardly sat in front of my friends and let them shoot me in the face, and it was super awkward but really encouraging and interesting to see the results! We all had access to the same lighting and just the one background to work with, but the photos still turned out different. It was fun to see how different each photographer’s shooting style and editing style was different. I thought I’d share some of the results here so you could get a taste!
Photographers Photographing Photographers
Recently, a few of my photographer friends got together for a Headshot Shootout… basically a little party with some photographing each other in between glasses of champagne. It was totally fun to see everyone and hang out! I thought I’d share some of my favorite photos that I took that day. I wish I’d shot more… I was too busy feeling nervous about being photographed myself, and changing clothes like 30 times I guess. Also, shooting more formal portraits with a backdrop and light set up doesn’t feel as natural to me, so I tended to shoot from the side a bit. Anyway, I did get a few that I really loved, check em out!
New Kid Alert!
Hey there!
My name is Stephanie and I’m the newest intern at Krista Photography. I’ve only been here a few weeks, but so far the photographic world is looking pretty cool! A lot of troubleshooting and questioning our relationship with our precious technology, but yes, so far so good! But let me just tell you a little bit more about myself before we go on.
Team Work — Now Hiring!
In my last post about purpose, I mentioned that I need a team of people to accomplish it all. Our team changed a lot last year, and now it’s changing again! In the last year, CoCo transitioned from working as Photo Editor and Associate, to working only as an Associate while she’s taken on the new challenge of working as a Project Manager for Sperling Interactive. So we hired our intern, Pamela to take over as Photo Editor. Then we hired my dear friend, Jennifer to work as our Studio Manager. This past December, our Vendor Relations Specialist, Amy decided it was time to go back to working in her passion, Social Work. And Pam is now leaving us for “the way life should be” in Maine! There have been more than enough tearful “so long”s this year – but it’s exciting to see each of these ladies stepping into new chapters and taking big leaps of faith! There was maybe one day this year when we had all five of us in the studio at the same time (and man was it crowded!) – and now it’s going to be down to me & Jen (I made a handy chart, in case you can’t keep up)!
Coming off of the heels of another great Inspire Photo Retreats, I’ve been thinking a lot about PURPOSE.
The last two years have been a bit rough, to be honest. Bringing CoCo on as an Associate has been SO AWESOME in so many ways, but it’s also brought a lot of challenges along with it. I’ve found myself bogged down in the work of editing, and running the studio and never feeling like there was enough time to do all of the things I know I SHOULD do… like SHOOT more, train my employees to take over more, wrap up our re-branding project, blogging, networking, budgeting, strategizing, planning and dreaming. Not to mention spending time with friends & family, and leaving my house once in a while! Running my own business is often totally overwhelming, and it’s really easy to forget WHY I’m doing all of this. So, now that I’m finished editing our 2015 work, and I’m officially in the “off-season”, I’m trying to get back to the point.
What is my purpose? WHY does Krista Photography exist?
Big changes in the office, and in our lives
Five years ago, this fun, kind and talented lady came into my life – and changed it forever. CoCo moved to Boston and reached out to me about assisting, right when I needed help the most. She started interning and assisting at weddings, and before too long I had to hire her so she could help me out more days a week. I joked with her that I was basically hiring her to talk to me because it was so lonely working by myself all day. But for real, she became someone I could really talk to. Someone who I could bounce business ideas and problems around with, and someone I could share the life stuff with too. Plus, she was an awesome Photo Editor and jack-of-all-trades around here! Then, she got so good at assisting & shooting that I couldn’t bear to be without her at weddings… but I had to acknowledge that she was too awesome to keep just assisting me and second shooting all over town. She was ready to do it on her own. And I was SO glad she wanted to stick around and keep working as a team, and she became our Associate Photographer! And in so many ways, that turned out so great, and really saved both of us during a season when photographers were quitting left & right because bookings were so low. It’s been awesome to see how she’s grown as a photographer over the last couple years and how happy she’s made her couples (and how much they love her!). And now, she’s ready to spread her wings again, to try something new and grow some more.
Today is officially CoCo’s last day working in the office, and it’s crazy bittersweet!
It’s sweet because she’s off on new adventure working for a North Shore design company and she’s gonna learn so much and get to do so many new things!
It’s bitter because I won’t get to see her everyday!!!! I’ve spent more time with this woman over the last 5 years than almost anyone else in the world! There’s just gonna be a big gap in the office, and in my life, and it’s gonna be sad for a while.
But it’s also SWEET because she’s not leaving all together!!! She’s still shooting weddings as our Associate Photographer! She’ll still have to drop by every once in a while to drop off images, and do portfolio reviews, and help us find stuff, and to eat pad thai. She’s totally still gonna second shoot with me, and we’re still gonna have lots of Saturdays to spend together this year (and the year after that, and the year after that, and… you get it).
This is a GOOD change, and I’m so incredibly excited for her and just can’t wait to see what comes next for her!
I’m gonna miss her silliness…
…and the fun ways she makes me laugh…
…the ways she squeals while she edits…
…and her super-modelly ways.
I am NOT going to have to miss the way she keeps me smiling on wedding days!
And we’re certainly not going to have to miss her being an awesome photographer :)
And thank the Lord, I’m not going to have to miss the way she is like the glue that sticks this little team together! (or headlocks the team together…)
But even still, all of us in the office are basically just trying to get through the day without ugly crying! (and tooootalllly failing).
CoCo – we are all going to miss you SO MUCH! I am going to miss you SO MUCH! Life & work just won’t be the same without having you here with us each day! But change is good. And I know this is going to be a really incredible new chapter in your life!
I’m proud of you, I’m thankful for you, and I love you, my beautiful friend!
You come back and visit us ALL. THE. TIME. got it?!
Helloooo everyone!! I’m Pamela!
Hey guys! I’m Pamela – intern extraordinaire! I’m going to be blogging here and there about all the stuff I’m learning while working here. So, we thought it’d be good for me to introduce myself!
Lets start this blog post off with an artsy polaroid of me pondering life after college…
I started working for the fabulous Krista Photography back in July, where I was fetching Starbucks goodies, grabbing whatever Harriett needed at PetCo, helping to organize all the glorious photographs from Krista’s many many years of work and assisting at weddings as much as possible! You’ve probably seen me holding reflectors, snapping some shots of Krista & CoCo at work and helping to make the lighting perfect! If you were at 2014 Fall Mini Sessions, 2014 Forever Families or got married last year, we’ve probably already met!
Here is one of me & CoCo amongst some super cool disco lighting at a wedding!
And see, I told you that I would help to make your gorgeous gowns look amazing!
Let’s see, well I graduated from the Rochester Institute of Technology back in 2012 with a Biomedical Photography degree under my belt.
Yes, CoCo & I did graduate from the same college – Go Tigers!
Biomedical Photography? What is that & why are you working for Wedding Photographers? Well, since you asked – my program basically combined science & art. I took classes like Microscopy (photographing tiny things under a microscope), Medical Terminology, Surgical Photography (yes, I photographed surgeries in the OR), B&W Film Processing and Digital Media (learning how to combine photography, video & graphic design). I even had my co-op at the Massachusetts State Police in the Crime Scene Special Services Unit in Sudbury. Yes, it was like CSI, and yes, it was super cool! After graduating college though, I decided that I wanted to get more in touch with my artsy side. And I thought, hey! wedding photography would be a good place to start! And now here I am :)
Here are some of my favorite images from college. They show my scientific side & my artsy side!
These few are from a project I did called “Four Years of Faces”, in which I decided to photograph each and every person I had met in my four years at college. Needless to say, there were a lot of faces to photograph!
Here are some scientific images! Now you can see what the inside of a Rabbit’s Small Intestine looks like (left), and now you also know what rust looks like under a microscope (right)!
Here are some other sciency images! Just some chemicals, that have been crystalized, and then placed under a special filter to make their bright colors really pop!
And lastly, here are just some of my favorite portraits of some of my closest friends!
Some other random non-photo facts about me:
- I love anything outdoors; hiking, camping, kayaking – you name it! I’m even hoping to plan a trip to the Grand Canyon & Yosemite for my birthday this summer – eek!
- When I have a weekend night free, I looooove baking delicious vegan confections. I’m kinda famous for my salted dark chocolate chip cookies!
- Every morning, before I brush my teeth, before I make a smoothie… I check my horoscope! I am super into astrology, the zodiac signs & how we all interact with each other! I am a Leo to the core, by the way ;)
Hey! Maybe you’ll see me at your wedding this year! I’ll be the one holding all the camera equipment, holding your bouquet in between shots, fetching Krista & CoCo some H2O & all around helping to capture your glorious wedding images throughout the day!
Also now that you know who I am, when you see me blogging more on here, you know that the words are coming from that girl in that artsy polaroid.
xoxo, Pamela
NOW HIRING: Studio Manager, Photo Editor, Intern
True Confession: I’ve never been a highly self-motivated person. I’ve always been most successful working in a team environment. From competing as a Synchronized Swimmer as a kid, and needing those other girls staring me down to get me to jump in the pool. To working in my first photography job managing a big studio full of people. To now as I’m building my own little team here at Krista Photography – I need other people around to help me do my best! I really believe that we can all achieve more if we work together. My ultimate goal for Krista Photography is that we’d have a group of awesome people working in their strengths and passions to create powerful photographs that capture the truth and beauty of life.
Sounds great, right?!
Well, we just need a couple more people to join our team to get us a little closer to that lofty goal of mine!
Take a look at our latest job openings and help us fill them by applying (see instructions at the bottom), or spreading the word!
For all of the positions, here are some things you should know…
What are we looking for?
- People who will fit in well with our little team, our brand, and want to work together to grow and improve Krista Photography
- Honest, detail-oriented, hard-working, creative, problem-solving go-getters who are eager to learn – and preferably fun :)
- You’ll need a car to get to my home office in Woburn – and you’ll be a lot happier if it’s not a long commute (trust me ;)
- People who are not seriously allergic to cats… the cat really does own the place
- People who can commit to work here until the end of 2015 (or for the next 10 years, either way), and can start asap
- Someone who’ll enjoy (or at least tolerate cheerfully) the craziness of working for a small business, in a home office… like friends with babies stopping by for visits, a cat stealing your chair EVERY time you get up, me never being ready for work when you get here in the morning, all that good stuff ;)
What will you get in return?
- Relatively Flexible Hours
- Fun, relaxed & productive work environment
- The occasional Studio Starbucks run
- You’ll probably get to hear me singing to myself a lot, get to pet my cat a lot, and be part of some of ridiculous photos :)
- You’ll get to be part of a fabulous team, make some new friends, and hopefully have some fun while you’re here!
- Pay commensurate with experience and final job description (and keep in mind that whole small business thing I was talking about…)
What are we looking for?
- One person to work part-time work – preferably 4-5 mornings/week (possibly an afternoon here & there and/or supplemental work from home)
- Someone who is smart, well-organized, detail-oriented, hard-working, problem-solving, positive, a task-master, smooth-talker, fire-putter-outer, project manager, who can be the cheerful first point of contact for Krista Photography
- Experience with some combination of Apple computers, Microsoft Office, Customer Service, and excellent Communication skills
- Experience with Quickbooks, IT trouble-shooting, ShootQ, Blogstomp, Lightroom, Photoshop &/or InDesign a plus but not necessary
What kinds of things could you be doing?
- Client Communication – you’d be the main point of contact for most clients and handle all of their questions, as well as sending them updates and information for their shoots
- Inbox Management – i.e. going through my inbox to weed out what’s personal, spam, stuff you can handle vs. stuff I should handle personally
- Quickbooks – I would LOVE someone I could train, or who knows QB already, to handle some of the data entry & invoicing in Quickbooks
- Workflow Management – keep up with where we are on each job and who’s supposed to be doing what, and keeping us on task
- Shoot Workflow – uploading images to our proofing site & Facebook, releasing images to clients, prepping discs of images for clients, etc.
- Digital Asset Management – Help us manage & maintain our extensive back-up system
- Some or all of the following: Marketing & Social Media projects, Updating & managing our website, Wedding Album Design, Administrative Tasks, Scheduling Assistants & Second Shooters, Digital Asset Management, IT Troubleshooting, Assisting at weddings, Various projects, Cleaning the office for meetings, etc.
What are we looking for?
- One person to work part-time work – preferably 4 days/week (might be closer to full-time in the fall)
- Honest, detail-oriented, hard-working, dedicated, creative, problem-solving go-getter who’s eager to learn – preferably someone fun :)
- Experience with Apple computers, Lightroom and Photoshop
- Some experience with PhotoMechanic, computer networking, IT trouble-shooting, monitor calibration, SmartAlbums, Blogstomp &/or InDesign a plus but not necessary
- Someone with an excellent sense of color – can see slight differences between colors, and can learn to adjust color to the way I see it. Take this test and let me know your score!
- Someone who knows that the dress is WHITE & GOLD – even if it’s blue & black, because it’s just a terrible photograph ;)
- Understanding of (or excitement to learn) what makes a great photograph – composition, exposure, focus, emotion, etc.
- Someone who can come close to replacing the AMAZING & TALENTED CoCo Boardman here in the office!! Big shoes people! BIG SHOES!! (don’t worry, she’ll train you and share all of her editing secrets with you! – and double don’t worry, she’s still gonna be shooting weddings – she can’t leave us all together!)
What kinds of things could you be doing?
- Culling – You will have to take the entire selection of 5,000-10,000 images we shoot at a wedding and get that down to less than 1,500 for me to review! I’m terrible at this, so I need someone who can really see whether an image is in focus, composed well, is meaningful to the greater story, etc and can make decisions quickly and confidently. Over the course of the year, you will look at THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of weddings, engagements, babies, families, baptisms, international travel images, family vacations, etc… so you’ll need to enjoy that kind of thing ;)
- Color Correction – You will color correct all shoots in Lightroom, based on my edits of the favorite images. We aim for our images to look NATURAL, BRIGHT, and have a little POP to them. [see all the posts below this one for more details]
- Photo Editing – You may edit images in Photoshop for printing – light retouching, precise color correction, sharpening, etc.
- Album Design – You may end up designing wedding albums for our clients. We use a combination of Smart Albums (SUPER easy), and InDesign. You’ll be responsible for creating the design, proofing the design for the clients, making revisions, editing the images for printing, and placing the album orders.
What are we looking for?
- One person to come in 6-8 hours/week for 3-9 months (depending upon your availability)
- Student studying photography, graphic-design, or marketing – OR someone out of school who’s just starting out in photography
- Experience with some combination of Mac computers, Microsoft Office, Social Media, Lightroom, Photoshop & InDesign
What kinds of things will you be learning?
- Photo Shoot Workflow – prep, shoot, downloading, culling, color-correction, delivery, etc.
- Data/Image Organization & Management
- Studio/Office Organization & Management
- Client Relations
- Research Projects on new technology, systems, opportunities
- Social Media Marketing (Blogging, Facebook, Pinterest, etc.)
What will you get in return?
- Opportunity to learn how a wedding photography business is run from the inside, alongside a seasoned professional, and a great team
- Additional Mentoring Sessions with Krista, Team Portfolio/Image Reviews, Team outings & events
- This is unpaid, but lunch will be provided. We’ll do whatever you need for it to count towards school credit, also.
- Opportunity to assist at weddings and portrait sessions (PAID)
- Opportunity to become part of our team for good, with a paid position if there’s a good fit for you as a Studio Manager, Album Designer, Photo Editor, or Associate Photographer
- Opportunity to showcase & promote some of your personal work on our blog
If you’re interested in joining in on this craziness, please follow these instructions carefully! (remember that whole attention-to-detail business?)
We will get back to EVERYONE who applies… so be patient with us as it might take a week or two –
we do still have to keep up with all of our clients since you’re not here to help us yet!
Seriously, we can’t wait to hear from you! We can’t wait to meet the new people who we’ll one day wonder how we ever lived without!!
Taking our Plan one step further…
Well, hello there! I’m Amy. If you are one of Krista’s many amazing brides then you’ve probably “talked” with me over email. I am the one looking for vendor information and asking for your sweet stories about the day. Anyway, here’s what I look like for future reference. :)
For some reason Krista and CoCo thought I fit the bill when they were looking for help last Spring. Yeah, ME! Gotta be honest, it kind of felt like I won the lottery the day the Krista called to offer me the job! I mean, I take a thousand pictures of my two wild, but wonderful, little dum-dums (CoCo’s term – which I now LOVE).
Let’s digress for a moment to meet them… you know, since they are my REAL bosses in life and all… This is Noah. He’s very very TWO. He will eat almost anything and he LOVES football.
He also spends 93% of his awake time laughing. Big loud belly laughs.
And my almost-kindergartener (AHH!), Audrey. She loves Taylor Swift, dancing and her cowgirl boots.
As I was saying, I take a ridiculous number of pictures of my own little family and their friends. And the idea of working with REAL photographers was dreamy. But let’s be real here, I am a stay-at-home-mom/former social worker with ZERO experience in the world of professional photography. Good thing they liked me! :) So I came on board willing to do just about anything. I started with a little filing, runs to Target and Starbucks, a bit of organizing, some submissions for publication, and the like.
Oh, and I can’t forget about my cuddling with Harriett duties on the couch (aka – my desk). :)
So why, I’m sure you are wondering, am I introducing myself? Well, in our efforts to get this blog up to date I’ve been helping CoCo with the easy stuff, like picking images and listing vendors. Now that we are almost all caught up on weddings, we’ve decided to start blogging portrait sessions. That’s where I come in! Starting Wednesday we’ll be tossing a few portrait sessions in among the weddings. And those will be written by yours truly. :) EEK!!
So please come back Wednesday to meet sweet Baby Lane. She is ADORABLE and I can’t wait to share her newborn shoot with you! Happy Monday!