Featured Post on Rock ‘n Roll Bride
Anne & Sean’s eSession – Hingham, MA
Alli & Glenn’s Wedding at OceanCliff – Newport, RI
Elizabeth & Ryan’s Wedding – The DETAILS
The back of the house, where the ceremony was held.
Here’s a taste of some of the details in the house
The patio for cocktails and the view of the back yard
The dinner tent was set up over their pool. I’ve never seen that before, doesn’t it create such a cool ambiance?!
The tables were lavish and interesting, with big candelabras and antiqued vases of all shapes and sizes full of flowers lining the whole table. It was beautiful!
In these photos you can see the house, the ceremony tent, the cocktail patio, and the reception tent, and just barely the dinner tent in the back. It was so neat to have everything in one location, but they were able to give each piece of the day it’s own space with it’s own feel.
It’s so great to see all the planning and dreaming and designing come together and give a wedding such a wonderful feel!
Special thanks to:
Gregory’s in Wakefield, MA for the amazing flowers
La Fete Catering in Natick, MA
Elizabeth & Ryan’s Wedding – Black & White FILM
Here are some of my favorite film images from Elizabeth & Ryan‘s wedding…
Taken with my Widelux
The next 2 were taken with my Holga
Taken with the Widelux
Do you see why I love it so much?!
Elizabeth & Ryan’s Perfect Wedding – Marion, MA
A champagne toast for the ladies while getting ready

And cigars on the porch for the gentlemen
I love how it takes a team of women to put on a wedding dress!
My assistant, Elizabeth Hannah got this awesome shot
Isn’t she gorgeous?!?!
Mark Higgins came to second shoot with me, and got this shot during portraits with the bride, of Elizabeth’s sister. The poor girl had a heck of a time keeping her makeup on with all the happy tears she was shedding!
The anticipation builds as Elizabeth watches the guests begin to arrive through the window…
The wedding was all held at Elizabeth’s parents’ home in Marion. Many little girls imagine walking down aisle on their wedding day, but I wonder if Elizabeth ever imagined it’d be the stone path she’d walked on so many times?
I love the moment right after the ceremony when the Bride & Groom get to talk for the first time and be “alone” for a moment before the bridal party gets down the aisle! It’s always so emotional and exciting.
After the ceremony we headed down to the dock for some portraits in the last bit of sunlight. It was beautiful!
I love the movement and the body language in the next few.
Mark grabbed this shot of me taking the photo above. He rented a 200mm f/2.0 lens from LensProToGo and got some fabulous results with it… and probably some permanent back damage as well – that lens is HUGE!
Elizabeth (assistant, not bride) caught Mark & the lens. This is him taking a picture of me taking a picture….
I remember quite specifically Elizabeth telling me the first time we spoke on the phone that she wanted some unique bridal party shots. She almost sent them all off to the cocktail hour before we could do it, but I’m soooooo glad we called them back! These were definitely more fun than the usual :)
Elizabeth’s take on the bridal party shots was pretty cool too!
After portraits, we headed back up to the house for the reception. Elizabeth’s Dad gave a wonderfully touching toast. Here, he’s thanking his wife for all her hard work on the wedding and for being a wonderful wife & mother. It’s so nice to see families where the parents love each other this much!
Ryan’s toast to his bride was equally moving.
One of my favorite images that Mark shot…
I love grandpas :)
Ryan’s parents with their arms around Elizabeth. American culture has stereotyped in-laws to be just awful (a la Everybody Loves Raymond), so I really appreciate how special it is when parents-in-law love their new daughter or son like their own. My parents both have that, and so does my sister and it makes such a difference in the life of a new family!
Last shot of the night!
There were so many more images that I just loved. If you’d like to see more of my favs, you can check them out on Facebook. And come back tomorrow to check out my favorite details and film shots from Elizabeth & Ryan’s wedding!
Elizabeth & Ryan – I enjoyed your wedding so much!! It was a wonderful day and witnessing how much your friends and family love you two was an extra blessing. Thank you for welcoming us in – I hope you love the photos!!
Wedding Wire
Britt & Mike’s Wedding – Black & White FILM
This one was shot with my Widelux panoramic camera
And this one was shot with my Holga, which is a toy camera :)
Another widelux shot
This was shot in 35mm film, and is meant to be printed all as one image. Unfortunately, my lab cut the film right in between two of these images (which is why I’ll be cutting all my own film from now on). There’s still a few ways we can print it and get the same effect, but this is how it was originally intended. Thank goodness for film scanners :)
(there should be 5 in a row, so if you can’t see all 5 expand your browser or click on the image)
Another Holga shot
Are they cute, or what?
Ok, that ought to just about do it! I hope you’ve enjoyed the many many images! I’ll be moving on now, I promise… :)
Britt & Mike’s Cape Cod Wedding – Details
Her shoes were awesome – even though she went barefoot or in flip-flops more than half the day ;) Her rings are beautiful, and the dress was breathtaking!
Britt’s necklace was just the right amount of bling to top off the simplicity of the dress. And do you love the peonies in the bouquet, or what?!
This collage is a taste of all the lovely touches I spied while Britt was getting ready. The bridesmaids each chose a pair of hot pink shoes, while Britt’s were gold. The flowers were straight out of an english garden – kind of wild, but so beautiful you know it was planned. And the flip-flops that Britt spent hours and hours making for each of her girls! Buckets of goodies for the guests, not to mention champagne in a can, complete with straws!
One of my favorite details was the antique post-cards incorporated into the day. Britt found antique cards from towns all over the Cape and used them in the invitations as well as for place cards and table numbers. It gave the wedding a very cool feel!
I also really liked how she accented the pink flowers in the bouquets with blue hydrangeas for the rest of the day. It all just went together so nicely, and was so very Cape Cod!
Some of the vendors who made the whole thing possible…
Catering – Sumptuous Catering in Orleans, MA (Shannon Mahoney)
Flowers – Fancy Flowers (by Meredith Fancy)
Bride’s Dress – Nicole Miller (Britt’s Mom had a Nicole Miller dress too!)
Bridesmaids’ Dresses – J. Crew – they each picked whichever they wanted in navy
D.J. – Cape Cod DJs (Rob Cushing)
Cake – Cottage Street Bakery
Tent and lanterns – Undercover Tent Company
Britt did all the table numbers/menus/placecards/decor herself with help from her dad and bridesmaids! She did an amazing job planning this wedding! She put so much thought into each and every detail, and it really showed. Martha Stewart, eat your heart out!
Britt & Mike’s Cape Cod Wedding – Chatham, MA
I love this emotional shot Elizabeth captured of Britt’s parents watching her get ready!
Britt’s dress was AH-mazing! I literally gasped when she pulled it out of the closet. Not the most professional moment of the day. But it was gorgeous – the color, the material, the cut were all perfect!
Britt’s reaction to seeing herself in her dress brought us all to tears! I think that can be one of the most overwhelming moments for a bride – when it really sinks in that she’s getting married today.
Meanwhile, down the road, James Federico of The Feds Studio was helping me out by photographing Mike and the guys getting ready. I always laugh because there’s really nothing much to guys getting ready. Just tie their tie and hit the road!
Once everyone was ready, we headed down to the beach for the ceremony. After all the rain we’d been having, we were blessed with a beautiful sunny day! :)
James captured this image of Britt’s parents and grandmother laughing – love it.
Don’t worry, he got the ring on her finger!
James’ shots of the kiss were my favorites
Happy tears!
A few minutes alone with Britt & Mike at the beach…
Elizabeth caught this shot of me during the portraits. In case you want to know what you should expect on your wedding day… You should expect me, hiding in the grass, or laying on the ground, and basically doing whatever I can to get a cool shot and to make sure I can’t wear really nice pants… ;)
Then we headed back to the house and grabbed some group shots and a few more portraits of the happy couple. I had to jump off the dock and onto the muddy shore to capture the next two, but it was worth it.
After portraits it was time for the fun to begin! The evening started with some wonderful toasts. First up, Britt’s Dad…
The Best Man
Then Britt’s sister and Maid of Honor, Devon gave a very touching and tearful toast
Cutting the Cake
Their first dance
And then the fun really began! I’m leaving out some crazy dance moves, a keg stand, and more – but you get the idea! This party was rockin’!
The most dedicated and dramatic catching-a-fish dance move I’ve ever witnessed…
and the last dance
Britt & Mike – thank you so much for having me there to document your day!! Your wedding was so much fun, and I felt so welcomed in, like one of your guests. Heck, your cousin Kerry practically inducted me into the family ;) I hope you love the photos!!! I can’t wait to get going on your album….