And if you’re one of my brides and can take a minute to leave a review for me on my OneWed listing, that’d be super awesome! But, only if you have something nice to share ;) Haha, only kidding!!
Kristopher & Erin’s eSession
The weather didn’t really cooperate with us while we tried to combine a family gathering and an engagement session into one afternoon. So we stayed close to home and basically shot everything in my parents’ neighborhood. It turned out to be a pretty cool spot, and even though we were all FREEZING, we had a fun time!
Kris is a bit of a joker. Ok, that’s an understatement. He’s frikkin’ hilarious and always making me laugh! It was cool for me to see him with Erin – to see how funny they are together and how much they enjoy each other, and that she always laughs at his jokes ;)
This is totally my favorite! I love it when you can see people smiling even when they’re kissing :)
Per my Mom’s request, we shot a few photos by the berries ;)
I love to photograph people’s hands!
I also kinda like to photograph feet… is that weird?
They’re cute
Ok, so Erin’s pretty funny in her own way ;) You’ve got to love a girl who will pretend to pick her nose for a funny photo!
Maybe this one is my favorite?
I love the way she’s looking up at him!
more laughter…
And I think this is the perfect way to finish :)
Kris & Erin – I love you guys! I’m so looking forward to your wedding this summer!! :D
Susan’s Maternity Photos – Indianapolis, IN
Now on to the part you all really care about, the photos ;)
Sue was always beautiful, but there’s something about being pregnant that makes a woman radiant!
Haha! I must be hilarious ;) Actually, no, she’s the hilarious one… I think she’s laughing at her own impression of a model here.
Using a little of that natural light
See what I mean? Gorgeous!!
Susan’s 2 little boys wanted in on the fun, and desperately wanted to see what Mommy was looking at out the window…
So, we thought we’d add them into the shoot! This is Sam, he’s adorable.
And this is Jack, he’s rather hilarious.
You can tell these boys love their Mommy!
Sue – it was SO fabulous to see you and meet your lovely family! I’m glad we got to spend some time together and catch up after all these years. It’s so great to know that we’ll be able to stay in touch pretty much forever now, thanks to modern technology ;) Congratulations on the birth of baby Lily! I can’t wait to meet her next time I’m home!!! LOVE YOU!!
Oh, and for those of you on Facebook – you can become a Fan of Krista Photography here. If we actually know each other – add me as a friend already! If we’ve never met, introduce yourself and maybe we’ll become friends :) I won’t add anyone I don’t know since I actually use FB to post family photos and such, but I am always happy to make new friends in real life!!
Justin & Gretchen’s Wedding!
We started the day at the Hyatt Harborside Hotel. This was the view from Gretchen’s window…
The dress was breathtaking and had so much fabulous detail!
I loved the look on her Mom and soon-to-be sister-in-law’s faces when Gretchen was finished with hair and makeup
Getting into the dress, with a little help
Gretchen, you’re so beautiful!!
I love the look on Justin’s face when he sees Gretchen for the first time! Many thanks to my fabulous second shooter, James from The Feds for getting this shot!
Some of their friends sang during the ceremony, and just about everyone was crying
After the ceremony we headed outside for some portraits by the Harbor
After the portraits, we headed over the Chinatown for the reception! I caught this shot on my way into the restaurant…
The Tea Ceremony
It turns out my favorite image of the first dance was taken by James. He caught a guest’s flash in the background and it totally made the shot! I totally love it!
Gretchen’s Dad looks so happy!
Chinese weddings have this fun tradition where the bride & groom, the entire bridal party, and all the family go around to every table and toast each guest. It’s so chaotic and wonderful!
They finished up the night with karaoke and dancing! That’s my kind of party :)
Gretchen & Justin – thank you so much for allowing us to be part of your day! It has been so wonderful getting to know you guys over the last year and a half. I cannot wait to photograph the first year of your new baby’s life!!!!! (yep folks, these two are expecting a honeymoon baby ;) Congratulations once again!!
Jessica & Albert’s Trash The Dress Session – Part 2
Once Albert got home from work, we headed outside to take advantage of the remaining sunlight while the rain let up. We had to go back to the graffiti wall…
I would love to know what he said to her here!
Now, you may remember from their eSession photos, that Albert can jump. Like, he can jump really high. So, we had to recreate the magic…
He even busted out some new moves!
…and found a little patch of sunlight breaking through the clouds…
…which happened to be right next to this really cool alley.
This one is my favorite jumping shot of them all!!!
Then we went back to the house to capture Jessica & Albert in their natural environment… eh hem…
Nerf Guns are apparently the best wedding gift, ever :)
Unless, of course, you give them his & her Macs!
Jessica & Albert – I love you guys! It’s been soooo fun hanging out with you, photographing you, and getting to know you both over the last year! I can’t wait to put together an awesome and FUN wedding album for you in the coming weeks :)
Oh, and for the record, after getting it cleaned, Jessica donated her dress to Brides Against Breast Cancer – which I think is pretty freakin’ awesome!!! If you want to learn more about the organization or want to find out how to donate your dress, click here!
Jessica’s Trash The Dress Session – part 1
Last Spring I posted a Trash The Dress session that I shot in Las Vegas while I was there for WPPI. In the same post, I offered a FREE TTD session to the first 2 brides to respond. As I expected, Jessica was the first to take me up on my offer! (no one else took me up on it, so I suppose there’s still one more spot available…) I think it’s high time I shared the photos from our afternoon together. We had such a fun shoot and there are so many hilarious and wonderful images that it’s gonna get 2 posts!!
First up, are the images of we captured of Jessica before her honey, Albert got home…
This is the garage behind their apartment building. The perfect spot for portraits, especially on a rainy day…
The roof of the garage has this awesome deck…
I think this one’s my FAVORITE!!
The weather wasn’t really cooperating with us, so we had to get a little creative… We decided to photograph Jessica preparing dinner for Albert – wifely duties and all ;) But first, we had to go to the grocery store to pick up a few necessitites….
I mean, how awesome is this?! A bride walking around a grocery store in her wedding dress?! It was so fun!
we were getting all sorts of crazy looks from people…
Eventually the manager kicked me out for taking photos. Um, I’m fairly certain that I have a right to take pictures in a grocery store, but whatever! We had the items we needed, so we headed back to the house to cook…
Isn’t this how all wives cook dinner?
And while we waited for Albert to come home, life went on as usual…
Haha! Jessica you’re so fun!!!!
Stay tuned for part 2… :)
Annika’s Portrait Session
Unfortunately, Annika’s family wasn’t able to do the portrait session before her Bat Mitzvah because of a family emergency. Since they’re a “requirement” we decided to do them after the fact :) So a few weeks after the party, I visited them down in Newton and we captured a few portraits by the pond near their house.
Then we headed back to their house for a few more…
I love this shot of the girls!
They have this fun little booth in their basement. The whole area is decorated in Coca-Cola paraphanalia – I knew I liked these people!! (in case you’ve never met me, when you do, I’ll probably have a Coke in my hand…)
A teenage girl’s bedroom is her solace, such an extension of herself – it can say so much about who she is. I thought it’d make a great spot for a few more natural shots of Annika…
Thanks again for everything you guys! I hope you LOVE the photos :)
Annika’s Bat Mitzvah
Flowers by Sarah’s Garden
Linens by Be Our Guest
Food from the amazing Catering by Andrew
This was basically the coolest spot in the place! Fine dining under the T-Rex – how awesome is that?!
Then the family arrived and we had a little time for some quick portraits around the museum.
The beautiful Bat Mitzvah girl
Annika’s parents are such a fun couple! When I first met them cutting it up on the dance floor at Julia’s Bat Mitzvah, I knew they were going to be great to work with!
They kicked off the party with the Horah! Always my favorite part :D
I think Annika had a great time!
Annika, it was so great to meet and work with you and your family. What a great party! Congratulations once again!! :)
Counting up the Comments…

On behalf of me and my friends at Forgotten Voices International, I just wanted to say THANK YOU!! Over the course of the week before Christmas, you guys left 97 comments on the blog and Facebook!!!! So, I rounded up and just made a donation of $100 to FVI, in your honor :)
This money will make a real difference in lives all over Zimbabwe!
Thank you for being part of what God is doing in Zimbabwe!
And thank you for bringing a smile to their faces!
If you’d like more information on Forgotten Voices, or would like to be a part of the work they support in Zimbabwe and Zambia, please click here!