And because posts without pictures or something are dull. I present to you the best song about Indianapolis, ever ….
bye bye :)
And because posts without pictures or something are dull. I present to you the best song about Indianapolis, ever ….
bye bye :)
“It is our pleasure to inform you that after having reviewed your web site and image portfolio, we agree your beautiful work meets the Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association membership requirements! We hope you accept this invitation as we look forward to having you as a new member.“
I am SO EXCITED! “The Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association [AG]WPJA is a group of international wedding photojournalists, who capture unscripted wedding moments as they happen, and excel in the art of post-production image processing. The [AG]WPJA is a division within the Wedding Photojournalist Association (WPJA); one which specifically promotes Fine Art Wedding Photojournalism.” That’s exactly how I like to describe my work, and it’s honestly a much better fit for me than the straight-up WPJA. Massachusetts currently has only 12 photographers in the [AG]WPJA, so it’s an incredible honor to be included amongst some of my favorite local photographers (i.e. the Graziers and Anne Ruthmann)!! Pretty cool, huh?!
And to top it off, yesterday I applied for and was accepted as a founding member of Modern Photographers, which is going to be a new site for brides created by the folks behind Trash The Dress and Don’t Box Us In. This is the twitter I got from Mark Eric… “Hey Krista, you’re work is stellar. You would be a welcome member. :) Pre-approved.” YAY!!!!!!!!! Go over there and check it out, I’m listed in the header of the site – along with a few other amazing photographers from around the country!!!
Ok, that’s enough tooting my own horn! It’s just pretty exciting to get some encouragement from your peers!
Now, if any of you brides want to toot my horn for me… I’m listed on a few bride sites and would love to get your reviews!!! Click any of the links below. As much as I love feedback from my peers, it’s the opinion of my brides that really matters to me!!
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toot toot! ok, really, now I’m done! ;-)
So without further ado, I present photographs from Julia’s Bat Mitzvah!
The lovely Bat Mitzvah Girl
Julia’s Dad, Andrew is one of the best caterers in Boston. I was absolutely honored to photograph this special event for their family!
And what an event it was! The party was huge, everything was so colorful, the decor and the details were so gorgeous, and of course the food was amazing! Special thanks to Nathalya Mamane, flowers by Carol Silverston, and Rentals Unlimited!
The dance floor was definitely my favorite part of the whole day. This was one of the most energetic dance floors I’ve ever photographed. I got knocked over, feet jumped on, and bumped all over the place – it was totally awesome! Music by the Nafshenu Orchestra out of New York.
And what’s a celebration without a few toasts?!
Thank you Andrew and family for having me as part of such an important day for your family – and for such a great time and an awesome party!!
I’m definitely excited to see what happens tonight! Either way, we’re making history tonight, baby!!!
The dress
Jason and his brother “getting ready”
Tamara’s vows – she wouldn’t put them down all morning :) I love it when couples write their own vows!!!
The lovely bride (with vows still in hand :)
Heading down to start the show
I love this shot of one of the groomsmen during the ceremony!
During the vows, looking into each other’s eyes
They’d planned a beautiful ceremony in the trees by the pond, but there was a hurricane coming up the coast that day. Up until the last minute, we hoped that the weather might hold. Luckily, Jason made the executive decision to do it in the tent. Thank God he did, because right after the ceremony began it started POURING!
And then after the ceremony, the sky cleared up just in time for some portraits!
They had almost a dozen of the cutest kids you ever saw in their wedding…
Brothers… a little less civilized than sisters ;-)
I captured this shot in black & white film. I love shooting film at weddings! There’s nothing quite as timeless…
A film shot of their first dance
A few tears during Tamara’s Dad’s toast
But there’s always a few romantic moments on the dance floor…
Tamara & Jason, thank you so much for letting me into your lives and having me document your wedding day! It has been so wonderful to work with and get to know you both!
I have a TON of stuff to edit and blog about when I get home. A wedding, a bat-mitzvah, another wedding, another bat-mitzvah, an awesome family portrait session, another wedding, and then some! I won’t able to do much editing while I’m away, but I should be able to respond to emails at least once a day. If you need to get in touch with me, please call! And if you’re a photographer who wants to meet up at PhotoPlus, let me know!!
peace out ;)
This past weekend, I actually had a free Saturday, and so my friend Danielle & I decided to go on a little adventure! I love Fall, it’s always been my favorite season (though Summer is a very close second). So, since I’m in New England, home of the most beautiful Fall around, we thought we’d head up to Vermont to take in the gorgeousness!
We decided to drive up to Woodstock and just wander around and see where the wind would take us. After a lovely drive, and a yummy lunch, we walked around the cute little town.
One of the first things we saw was this… a little more disturbing than cute, but definitely interesting! And yes their shirts say “poop” – that apparently stands for Protest Outrageous Oil Profits, but it just looks like poop…
Covered bridges remind me of Indiana :)
After we looked in all the shops and got some tea & cider, we headed back up the road to a great little farm stand we saw along the way. It’s called Fool on a Hill and it was very fun! I mean, check out these bears – what’s not to love?
This is my beautiful friend Danielle, I couldn’t resist shooting her in the gorgeous sunlight
Fool on the Hill also had some random stuffed cows all over the hill. We just had to play…
I’m not sure why Danielle is kissing this cow’s eyeball, but whatever ;)
After playing with the bears and the cows, we kept on down the road to Quechee Gorge. It was beautiful! I kinda wish we’d gone there earlier and walked down the trails a bit, but oh well. You can only fit so much in a day!
The light just kept getting better and better
Random wall o’ graffiti under the bridge by the gorge
Ugh, I really hate photos of myself. It took everything in me to let you see this, but I’m trying to lighten up, so here you go :) (though, I must admit that Photoshop made the decision a little easier ;)
This is a picture of Danielle taking a picture of me taking a picture of her through a hollow log
I mean, that just looks fake! but, it’s not, I promise :)
I forgot how much I love road trips!!
The biggest disappointment of the day was discovering that we had MISSED the peak of the Fall colors in Vermont by a week or two. As we drove up we kept asking, ‘why are all the trees dead?’ But we pressed on anyway and I’m glad we did. But, it would have been a little more fun (or at least a little more pretty) if the trees were a little less bare…
This sign pretty much sums that up…
I snapped this on the way home, somewhere in New Hampshire. THIS is what we were looking for. Oh well! It was still an awesome trip!
Thanks for a fun adventure Danielle! You’re an awesome adventure-buddy!!
And as for Mark and Serena, they are just wonderful! You could just see in their faces, and in everyone’s faces, that these two are so in love with each other and so dearly loved by all who were there. Here are a few of my favorites…
Mark getting ready
During the portraits, since I was second shooting, I was able to hang back and shoot with my 80-200mm lens and just catch some of the details and moments that were going on. I love second shooting!
Serena and her uncle right before they walked down the aisle
The ceremony took place at Highrock, their church in Arlington.
I even shot a little panoramic film with my Widelux during the day, just for fun…
The part where they greeted their parents was one of the most emotional and beautiful parts of the day.
A few details from our portrait session with the two of them at their reception site – the Habitat Wildlife Sanctuary in Belmont.
And there’s Erica, working it in the bushes :)
A couple more shots of black & white film
The reception was really fun! I love this shot of Mark as they made their big entrance. I think it says it all.
And a sweet moment during their first dance.
Thank you, Erica for inviting me to come along for the day – it was so wonderful shooting with you and hanging out with you!
And thanks to Mark & Serena for letting me be part of your wedding! It was really great meeting you and being with you and your families on this joyful day!
Some of the gorgeous details… Flowers courtesy of Carol Silverston of The Original Touch, Cake by John at Party Favors.
Noah’s grandparents. What can I say? I’m a sucker for a cute little old man!
Noah’s aunt holding his very shy, but very cute little sister
I’m always so entertained by the games at Bar Mitzvahs! The light coming into the ballroom was just about perfect, and mix that with a bunch of girls hoola-hooping, and I was having a blast!
I wasn’t the only one fascinated by the hoola-hoops…
The Hora is one of my FAVORITE Jewish traditions! It makes me want to have a Jewish wedding someday. Though I doubt my Irish-Catholic family would quite know what to do… ;) Noah was loving it!
His Mom was a little scared at first
Dad was getting into it though
Even his little sister had fun with it!
More games… Coke & Pepsi, anyone?
One of the things I love about Bar Mitzvahs is when the adults get in on the fun and let themselves be kids for a little bit
Noah’s birthday cake was AMAZING! One of the coolest cakes I’ve ever seen, for sure! (check out the detail collage at the top to see some more of the front of the cake)
this is what a 13-year-old looks like when he’s making a wish
All in all, I think Noah and his friends had an awesome time!
Congratulations Noah! Thanks so much for having me as part of your day!
The weather was awful that weekend – scattered thunderstorms the whole day. But we pressed ahead and the clouds opened up long enough for us to have our service.
Praying before they shared their testimonies.
My dear friend Suzanne totally had me in tears
I love the look of joy on her face here
I love this reaction!
But the moment when Ashley’s husband, Scott hugged her afterward was the most powerful moment for me. I just love the way he’s holding her and the way she’s leaning in to him. It just screams love to me.
Right at the end of the service, this bird flew overhead and reminded me of a verse from the book of Mark. It says, “As Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: ‘You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.’” It just reminded me of how pleased God was that day.
And this is just a random shot of my adorable nephew watching everything from the beach. He’s so cute :)
And here’s a slideshow of the service, if you’d like to see more!