Great News!!
Back in September, a fellow wedding photographer, Davina Fear, was offering a scholarship to a new photographer just starting out on their own for $500 towards a seminar or workshop of their choice. As soon as I heard about it, I got excited! First of all, I could use a workshop, and even had one in mind. Second, I could use that $500!! Plus, the scholarship would include 2 mentoring sessions with Davina – and that’s pretty awesome!
I mentioned the scholarship to Matt & Enna Grazier, and they totally encouraged me to apply. In fact, before I’d even begun my application, they each sent recommendations to Davina on my behalf. They were the sweetest, most supportive letters, and I practically started crying when I read them. So, at that point, I had to apply! So, just under the wire I sent in my application, and prayed that God would do whatever He wanted with it…

As it turns out, I WON! Can you believe it?? I’m so excited! I can’t wait to connect with Davina, and I can’t wait to go to the workshop! I decided to attend Liana Lehman’s Photo Business Boot Camp next month here in Boston. I think it’s going to be awesome for me and for my business, and I am so grateful to have this scholarship to help me do it!
Thank you Davina for your willingness to help other photographers pursue their dreams! I feel so honored and blessed by this opportunity!
Zimbabwe… where to begin?
I left for Zimbabwe on Tuesday, October 23rd. I flew first to JFK in New York to meet up with my friend Adam. First of all, let me just say that I do NOT like the JFK airport! Hello? Signs would be helpful for directing passengers to other terminals & such! Geez! Anyway, I made it to the flight just fine, and got to catch up with Adam a bit before the flight. He graciously gave me the window seat and we set off on our 18.5 hour flight!
Thanks to my old friend, Benadryl, I slept almost half the trip. And the rest of it was spent chatting with Adam, and a couple of ladies across the aisle, watching Harry Potter 5, and playing MahJong on the interactive screen above my tray table. South African Airlines rocks!! I was so entertained, I didn’t open up my laptop or a book once :)
When we arrived in Johannesburg, South Africa, we had about a 16 hour lay over. Ryan’s friends, Steve & Michelle Lockwood are missionaries in Jo-burg and they picked us up at the airport and took us back to their house. It was so great meeting them, and their 3 adorable kids. They gave us dinner, comfy beds, and warm showers – it was wonderful! They also shared with us quite a bit about their experiences in Zimbabwe – they had lived there for quite a few years before moving to South Africa. It was great to hear their perspective and their stories. By the time Steve took us to the airport the next morning, they seemed like old friends. I just wish I hadn’t been too tired to take more pictures! Thank you so much Steve & Michelle for your hospitality! That overnight stay made all the difference in adjusting to Zimbabwe time.
And that was day 1…
up next, day 2…
The big 3-Oh!
I had a pretty low-key day, but the highlight was definitely my birthday lunch…
Here are my niece & nephews in the back of the Suburban on our way to the best birthday lunch spot in the land.(Tristan-4, Caeden-15 mos, Reilly-3)
That’s right, we went to McDonald’s! 2 plain cheeseburgers, fries & a coke please!
It was a fun lunch, and the kids colored me tons of pictures and gave me lots of hugs and kisses – so it was a great birthday!
Thanks to all of my friends and family to sent emails, e-cards, facebook messages, real cards, and who called to sing to me. I love you and am blessed to have you in my life!
I’m home!
I’m home! In fact, I got home a couple days ago. I’ve been meaning to blog some more about the trip, but just haven’t felt ready yet. It’s pretty overwhelming being back in the States. I walked into my niece & nephews’ play room the other day and started crying (they just have so much stuff!). We cleaned off the plates after dinner and I started crying just looking at all of the food going into the trash. I can’t even bring myself to go to the grocery store yet. I’m just having a hard time wrapping my head around all that I’ve seen and heard, and reconciling that with what life is like here. And to be honest, I don’t want to get used to it. I don’t want to become complacent. I don’t want to return to a life of waste and greed and taking things for granted. But I do need to figure out a way to keep from crying every 10 minutes :)
So, bear with me for a few days, and I promise I’ll share some more about the trip soon!
Back in Bulawayo!
Wow! No internet access for over a week! I’m going through withdrawl – this is a great quick fix :)
We’re back in Bulawayo today. We left here last Monday and went to the Matopos and stayed at a place called Shumba Shaba. It was BEAUTIFUL! I can’t wait to show you the pictures! We stayed there for a couple of days with some of the pastors that work with Forgotten Voices (or the other way around, really). It was great getting to know them and enjoying the scenery.
We left Shumba Shaba on Wednesday and went to the Mtshabezi Mission/Hospital. This is one of FVI’s biggest partners. It was an amazing week with them. They were so gracious and took such good care of us there. It was overwhelming. We visited the Primary School there, and interviewed some of the children who’s school fees are paid by the Mtshabezi AIDS Project. It was so encouraging to see how much hope these kids have for their future now that they are able to go to school. We also visited some of the kids in their homes out in the villages over a couple of days. That was incredibly humbling. To see these kids surviving on next to nothing – literally eating weeds for meals – and then to go back to the Mission where they prepared such great meals for us. It was just hard.
On Thursday we were supposed to visit a woman who is cared for by the AIDS Project, but she died during the night and so we ended up going to her funeral instead. Her name was Setty, she was 28 years old. Her only child had already died of AIDS, and we aren’t sure what happened to her husband. Her family was so welcoming, and allowed us to film and photograph the funeral. These are some of the most powerful photos I’ve shot – I hope to post them soon after I get home.
I’ve shot well over 5,000 images so far – so I’m going to be BUSY when I get home!! Wedding and Portrait clients will have to come first – so I hope you can be patient waiting for some images from the trip. It’ll be worth the wait, I promise!
I’ve got a great story to share without about an interesting run-in with the “police” but I think I’ll wait till I get home. I’m not that worried that the Zim police are checking my blog, but just in case… :) You’ll just have to wait!!!
I’ll be home on Thursday and will try to reply to emails then. If I get the chance, I’ll blog again tomorrow, but who knows? Please continue to pray for safety – especially getting through the airport on Thursday. I hope all is well back home! I can’t wait to get back and hug my niece & nephews and see my friends & family!!
all is well
just a quick note to say that all is well! we landed in bulawayo yesterday and made it through airport security with no problems. Praise the Lord! We’re touring around bulawayo, meeting lots of people and having a great time so far. I’m really looking forward to this afternoon because we’re going to go do some home visits. It should be a good day!
ok, gotta go get some pizza :)
please keep praying for us!
I’m in Africa!
After 24 hours of travelling, door to door – I’m finally in Africa!! My friend, Adam (videographer) & I are staying at the home of a lovely couple who live here with their 4 kids. The Lockwoods have fed us and are giving us warm beds and hot showers before our flight to Bulawayo tomorrow morning. They are such a blessing!!
The trip has been good so far – pretty uneventful (which is just the way I like it). I slept quite a bit and even got to watch Harry Potter 5 – so all in all it was a good flight :) We’re still praying for an easy time getting through customs tomorrow in Zim – so lift us up if you think of it.
Ok, off to be a nice social guest again! I couldn’t resist the internet access while it was available :)
I’m on my way to Zimbabwe!
Holy Cow! I’m actually sitting in the airport, getting ready to go! I can’t believe it’s finally here – I’m finally going to Zimbabwe! I’m so excited, can you tell? There’s been so much happening in preparation for this trip, I don’t even know where to begin…
First of all, I’ve got some amazing news! This trip now has a double purpose. First and foremost, I’m going to be documenting the work of Forgotten Voices International in Zimbabwe. We’re working on a documentary as well as taking photos for that FVI can use to share their story and raise support. I love what FVI is doing and I’m so thrilled to be a part of it. And if that’s not reason enough to be excited about this trip – there’s more!
Ryan of FVI met a woman a few weeks ago who has an amazing vision. Lisa‘s vision is a series of children’s books that would tell the stories of children from various countries. Each book would represent one child, one country, one theme (i.e. hope) and would hopefully be used by parents and teachers to encourage, inspire, and teach children about other cultures. Her vision is just amazing and even extends to eventually doing a book on every country in the world! Well, she has decided to do the first book with FVI about a child in Zimbabwe. And, she just happens to need a photographer to supply the art for the book. So, Ryan sent her to me and as it turns out, she loves my work! (*blushing*) So, my second purpose for this trip is to document the story of one child and create the art for the first book!! Lisa wants consistency throughout the series, so I also may have the opportunity to do more of these. That means, I’m really going to get to travel the world and photograph children with amazing stories! It just blows my mind that this is happening! I have been praying for an opportunity like this for FIVE YEARS and now God is providing the way! It’s just the most amazing thing EVER! Thank you Lord!!
Well, now I’m REALLY excited – I just got myself all pumped up for this trip! Too bad it’ll be another 40 or so hours before I get there :)
I’m going to try to update this blog as often as possible with news from Zimbabwe, so stay posted!!! Thanks so much for going on this journey with me – and for all of the incredible support you all have given me! You all are such a blessing!
Bodie & Sara’s Wedding in Chicago
A couple weeks ago, I had the pleasure of going out to Chicago to shoot Sara & Bodie’s wedding. It was such a beautiful day! The ceremony was at Bond Chapel at the University of Chicago, and the reception was at the Garfield Park Conservatory. BEAUTIFUL! The whole day was great – thank you guys for having me be a part of it! Here’s some sneak peaks…

Thanks again Sara & Bodie – for flying me out to Chicago to be part of your day, for being so understanding about the delay with the pics (with my going to Zimbabwe & all), and also for your generous support of my trip! I’ll be in touch as soon as the rest of the pics are online!!