Elizabeth & Ryan’s was one of my favorite weddings I’ve ever shot (you’ll notice it’s still a Featured Post), and I was so excited for them when I heard they’d had a baby! Baby Soren came this past fall, and just before the holidays I traveled to Michigan to photograph him with his parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. Four generations! It was such a special weekend for their family, and I am so glad I was able to document this moment in their lives!
This is what I really love about my job – having the opportunity to photograph people’s lives, and being a part of all sorts of special moments over the years – it’s such a blessing! And getting to play with adorable babies is definitely a bonus ;)
Sleepy Soren

He looks so happy here – but the truth is, he’s crying ;)

Just as happy as on their wedding day!

Now he’s waking up!

Soren and his Great Grandmother

We took some snowy family photos between visits to the grandparents

Soren & his Great Grandfather

Soren & his Grandparents

I love this one!

Getting sleepy again… it comes full circle

Elizabeth’s Grandfather was fairly ill when we visited (not that you could tell from looking at this handsome, cheerful man!). It was incredibly moving to be part of this family portrait session knowing that they might not have another chance to all be together again. Tears were definitely shed. But it was an absolute honor to be there for them. This is the one shot I wanted the entire day, and it’s the last one I took. I just love it.
[edit] I literally just found out that this lovely man passed away yesterday. I am SO thankful that we were able to do this portrait session when we did. What a blessing that he was able to meet his great-grandchild, and how awesome that their family has these photos. This is the most beautiful thing about my job.

Elizabeth & Ryan (and Barbara) – thank you again for allowing me to be there to photograph your wonderful family! It means so much to me to be trusted and appreciated so much by all of you! It’s truly a blessing :)