Oh. My. Goodness. What an amazing weekend this was! I am so excited to share this with everyone. Stephanie and Marc are people of many talents. Marc is a composer and sound artist, Stephanie a photographer, sculptor, and writer, among many other things I’m sure :) They are thoughtful, caring, and stunningly beautiful, inside and out. Watching Stephanie’s face during Marc’s speech, and their expressions and interactions with each other and their guests throughout the weekend was such a joy. It was obvious that despite the beautiful flowers, clothing, jewelry and scenery, the most important thing to them was the people, family and friends alike. That’s what we like to see.
I apparently brought rain with me to Maine, the night of the rehearsal it was absolutely pouring. But Stephanie was unshaken, I met up with her briefly before the rehearsal in my boat shoes and yellow rain jacket, both already soaked through, and she excitedly exclaimed “You fit right in!” The dinner was held later that evening at The Slipway in Thomaston, the staff was great and the lobster to die for!

There were rain jackets and hugs aplenty during a short cocktail hour.

Stephanie’s dress was gorgeous! I couldn’t wait to see what she had for wedding day!

Stephanie’s simple and stunning dress bought from Spoil Me, what an awesome name for a bridal shop. (More on the upcoming details post!)

Stephanie got ready upstairs…

While Marc put the finishing touches on downstairs :)

Sooooo Marc needed Stephanie to do his hair for him…without seeing her…So naturally, Stephanie’s sisters just put a blind fold on him!

Stephanie’s sister Caroline made this birdcage veil for her. I think it completed her look perfectly.

Last minute teeth brushing, nbd.

Stephanie secretly watched guests arrive from her parents’ room.

This was shot with a Pentax 67, on Kodak Tri-X ISO 400, 120mm film.

Krista was my second shooter for the day and grabbed these two shots just before the ceremony started. The guests were arranged in a semi circle around the couple, in the sprawling backyard of the house, it’s like sculpture park out there!

LOVE her sister, just before walking down the aisle.

Krista’s view of Stephanie and her dad, and the ceremony below.

I found this guy watching from the back.

Love the negative space in this from Krista, too.

Gorgeous sisters!

One of my favorite family portraits, ever.

As I said Stephanie is an artist of many mediums, she draped the ceiling of the barn with gorgeous colorful fabric and lanterns. It created such a fun atmosphere.

Krista grabbed these at cocktail hour, the light was amazing!

Krista shot this on her Nikon F100, on Kodak Plus-X ISO 125 35mm film. Stephanie’s mother and her bridesmaids! How fun!

We snuck the happy couple away for some portraits in the beautiful golden light.

Krista shot this on her Widelux on Kodak Portra ISO 160 35mm film

Krista grabbed this wide shot of the same scene.

That color!

Another from the Pentax 67, on Fuji Pro ISO 400, 120mm film.

The whole room exploded with twirling napkins as the bride and groom came in. The next two are Krista’s.

Just a little cake mishap! Nothing to see here!

A very captive audience.

Here’s Krista’s view of the first dance, followed by my close-up.

Then it was finally time to GET DOWN!

I caught these kids being silly towards the end of the night, one of my favorite candids from the day.

Marc and Stephanie, it was such a pleasure for Krista and I to witness and photograph your unabashed joy. Thank you to you and your wonderful guests and family for taking us in like their own. Stephanie, a very special thank you goes out to your parents for their hospitality and altogether awesomeness. Everyone stay tuned for their killer unique details!