A few months ago, I met Britt & Mike and we tried to have a fun
engagement shoot by Fenway Park, but the weather didn’t really cooperate. Since they live in Washington D.C., it wasn’t so easy to reschedule. So we decided to wait until they came up to Boston during the winter and have a fun, snowy engagement session instead. Well… the weather didn’t exactly cooperate with that idea either! When they came up to the Cape for Valentine’s Day, the skies were blue and the snow was GONE! Oh well! We had a fun time wandering around Chatham anyway, and I was totally thrilled by how the photos turned out – so it all worked out all right :)
We spent the afternoon walking around downtown Chatham and kicked off the shoot at a little park with a band stand.

Like so many of my grooms, Mike’s not a big fan of having his photo taken. So, we spend a lot of time just laughing and getting everyone relaxed. I also spend a lot of time pretending like I’m not taking pictures ;)

I looooove Britt’s engagement ring!

After the park, we went to a candy shop, and then kept walking down the road. Britt kept telling us that the beach where they’ll be married this May was “just a little farther” down the road. After walking pretty far along the road in the cold, we decided to just walk down to the beach, and take the beach route the rest of the way. It was gorgeous!

Britt was excited to get down to water and show us how close we were! Too bad there were all those rocks in our way. haha!

I love that Mike spontaneously picked Britt up and started spinning her around! I try to direct my couples as little as possible so the photos are really natural, and reflect the true nature of their relationship. It’s always fun for me when the true nature of their relationship is to be really playful and make each other laugh like crazy!

or to tease them mercilessly ;)

Gotta love those argyle socks :)

I seem to get a photo like this of almost every couple… Groom staring off in the distance, Bride looking dreamily up at Groom. You people in love are all so cute!

On the other side of the beach, there was this super-tall beach grass. I’ve always wanted to do this, so I asked them if they’d be willing to walk in for a few photos. I was so pumped that they were willing to tromp in, and they turned out to be my favorite photos of the day!!

One of my favorites!

And these…

Could Britt be any cuter?!

very serious, Mike!

And would you look at that? A photo of Mike looking at the camera and SMILING – like for real! Amazing! See, I told you it wouldn’t hurt ;)

And by that point, we were pretty much frozen, so we made our way out of the grass and back up to the road.

After all of that excitement, we still had to walk back to town. Britt apologized a hundred times for taking us so far away, but I didn’t mind :] It was totally worth it!

Britt & Mike – thanks for a fun afternoon! It was great to see you again, and I’m so glad we got to go check out the house where the wedding will be – it’s got me all excited for the big day this May! And thanks especially for the cookie offer last week – you guys are so sweet and I’m so blessed to get to work with people like you! It feels a lot less like “work” when you get to hang out with warm, wonderful people on days when they’re super happy :D