You remember these two from their sunrise, that’s right, sunrise engagement shoot right? It feels like forever ago that I first met these two lovebirds so it was so good to see them finally tie the knot! This was one of the most wonderful days I have experienced in a long time. Meagan had obviously meticulosly planned every moment of the day to be special and meaningful and it really showed. From her First Look with her dad to dancing with her new husband late into the night. They added so many personal touches throughout the day to make their guests feel welcome and appreciated, it was such a good vibe, but more of that in the details post! :) For now, enjoy my favorite moments from the day!
I started out with Meagan in her suite as she got ready.

So many lip glosses so little time!

Evan sent Meagan a beautiful personalized locket, so sweet.

The girls looking at Evan’s gift, don’t start crying yet!

Just B-E-A-UTIFUL, this girl.

The wonderful Kris Rae Orlowski started out with the boys, Pop it Evan!

Love love love this boss portrait.

Meagan had an adorably teary First Look with her dad, killing me!

Work it ladies!

Meagan’s parents and god-mother, looking so proud!

I. DO.

Oh, Grandma you are too cute!

I waited back with Meagan…

While Kris waited with Evan.

Kris grabbed this of Evan who could barely get his vows out, every time he started he would start crying again! Their vows were some of the sweetest I’ve heard.

Love this overall from Kris.


And the double fist pump from Dad!

A Del’s stand was waiting for everyone outside.

Now, be serious, from Kris.

Could these colors be any more fun??

Just a few minutes with the couple in the garden at Roger Williams Park.

Here’s Kris’s view…

…and mine, this girl is too cute!

Thanks for holding the reflector for this Kris!

Then a quick stop for some bridal party shenanigans.

Then it was time to party! Kris grabbed these during intros, get down!

What a day! It was such a pleasure to be a part of it. Thank you Meagan and Evan for having me and Kris along, it was just perfection! Stay tuned for their amazingly colorful details, and see more on Facebook in the meantime!