I’ve taken portraits for Sarah’s family a couple of times – once even before I moved out to Boston. So, I was totally excited when she decided to have me photograph her wedding as well! But before I shot Sarah’s wedding, I had the chance to photograph her and Peter for their engagement session. We went over to The Great Meadow in Lexington and walked around a bit. I’ve wanted to shoot there for a while, so it was cool to finally get there and see what it’s like. Well, it’s more forest than meadow, but it was rather lovely!
Sarah & Peter tell me they were nervous, but I couldn’t tell at all. They were total naturals!

After we had been eaten by mosquitoes and almost gotten lost, we decided to head into Lexington center for some less nature-y shots. These two went to Yale, and have spent more time walking around New Haven than walking through the woods… so this was a bit more natural for them. We found this very cool rock wall that made for a nice backdrop and a bit of shade.

At that point, I thought we were done, and we went inside the building with the rock wall to find a restroom and some water. As it turns out, we were at the Library! Like I said, they went to Yale, so they’ve spent a lot of time in libraries. And the light in there was gorgeous. So, we had to stay a while and shoot among the books! These ended up being some of my and their favorite images of the day! I love it when that happens :)


Oh yeah, the library was the best!

Sarah & Peter – It was great spending the morning with you two! Thank you for being good sports and having some fun with it – you made my job very easy. I hope you love the engagement images! Wedding images will be along in a few weeks – yay! :)