After feeling all awkward about being photographed at the Headshot Shootout, and not having seen the great results yet, I thought it’d be good to have someone I KNOW I’m comfortable being photographed by take a stab at getting a new headshot. For me, that person is obviously CoCo! She was planning on swinging by the office that week anyway, so I figured we might as well photograph each other and both get some pics that are a good match to our typical style. I mean, I LOVE the images my friends captured – but anything CoCo shoots is definitely going to look more like it belongs on our website since she’s all over the site already. That, plus I tend to prefer more environmental portraits, and my normally curly hair just feels more like me. And now I have one million photos of myself to choose from – so that’s enough to last another seven years I think! Anyway, check out my favorite portraits I made of CoCo first…
Photographers Photographing Photographers, part deux

As I mentioned in my last post, a few of my photographer friends recently got together for a Headshot Shootout at one of their studios. It was pretty much an excuse to get together to chat and drink champagne, plus get some fresh headshots while we were at it! I haven’t updated my official headshot since like 2012, so I figured it was, um, time. It was totally fun to see everyone and hang out, and naturally a nightmare to be photographed. See, I’m just like you. I don’t enjoy that side of the camera any more than anyone else – especially since I’ve gained a lot of weight in recent years. I just feel a little more self-conscious than I used to. I feel a little less like myself, so I’m less comfortable (not that I started out enjoying it or anything, lol). So, I awkwardly sat in front of my friends and let them shoot me in the face, and it was super awkward but really encouraging and interesting to see the results! We all had access to the same lighting and just the one background to work with, but the photos still turned out different. It was fun to see how different each photographer’s shooting style and editing style was different. I thought I’d share some of the results here so you could get a taste!
Photographers Photographing Photographers
Recently, a few of my photographer friends got together for a Headshot Shootout… basically a little party with some photographing each other in between glasses of champagne. It was totally fun to see everyone and hang out! I thought I’d share some of my favorite photos that I took that day. I wish I’d shot more… I was too busy feeling nervous about being photographed myself, and changing clothes like 30 times I guess. Also, shooting more formal portraits with a backdrop and light set up doesn’t feel as natural to me, so I tended to shoot from the side a bit. Anyway, I did get a few that I really loved, check em out!
Inspire 2012 is almost here!!
It started out as an idea… What if there was a conference that felt more like a community? What if instead of flying around the country to hear people from California talk about running their businesses, we gathered photographers from right here in New England and asked them instead? What if we did it ourselves? These are the questions that Matt & Enna Grazier asked a few of us, as we all looked at them as if they were nuts. Brilliant. But nuts… If it had been my idea, it probably would have stayed an idea, but the Grazier’s are people of action, and thank God for that!
What began as an idea, a question, grew into a real life conference we called Inspire Boston. What was an incredible and inspiring two days in Concord with 100 photographers, grew to something more the next year… Inspire Boston 2011. We added mentoring sessions, shooting workshops, and a vendor lounge and this time 125 people came from all over New England and beyond!
So, here we are, 3 years later, and it’s just 12 days until Inspire 2012 kicks off! This year, we’ve changed the name from Inspire Boston to Inspire Photo Seminars – since it’s really not just about Boston anymore. We’ve moved it to the Sturbridge Host so we could have a bit more space and be a little more centralized for our primarily MA/CT attendees. We’ve got 18 Speaking Sessions, 8 Special Classes (shooting session, portfolio reviews, etc.), a special pre-conference all-day Pictage + ShootQ Bootcamp, an even bigger Vendor Lounge, a mid-conference party with KARAOKE (clearly that was my idea!), one-on-one and roundtable mentoring sessions with the speakers and sponsors, and a killer Wrap-Party at the end! It is going to be a JAM-PACKED couple of days!!!
I’ll be speaking at Inspire this year on Facebook Marketing Strategies. If you follow my blog, you’ve probably liked my Facebook page as well (and if not, what’s stopping you?!). And if you follow both, you’ve probably noticed that I post on Facebook WAY more often than on here. Facebook just makes it so EASY for me! It has dramatically changed and grown my business over the last 3 years. Last year my weddings doubled from the year before, and this year I’m almost entirely booked up for the year already! I give most of that credit to how I share images and communicate via Facebook – but I guess I’ll give a little of the credit to my photographs too, yeah? ;) I’ve been super excited to share my Facebook strategies and theories with the Inspire community, and wouldn’t you know it, Facebook went and changed everything about their business pages three weeks before the conference! So, I’m reworking my talk and trying to learn as much about all the changes as possible, and now I’m even more excited :) I mean, what better time to talk about how to set up and use a Facebook page than right when everything about them has changed and everyone’s wondering what to do?! OK, so I’m excited and also a little overwhelmed, but I do think it’s an exciting time to be sharing about this and I’m hoping that it will be really beneficial to everyone to comes to my talk!
If you’re a photographer, and you aren’t signed up for Inspire yet, what are you waiting for?! It’s going to be FUN! You’re going to meet a TON of awesome local photographers who may just become your nearest and dearest friends (I’ve gone on vacation with ladies I met at Inspire, and don’t get me started on how much I love the Planning Team). You’re going to LEARN something new! You’re going to leave feeling INSPIRED and EMPOWERED to make some great changes in your business and maybe even in your life. It’s not too late to sign up and come be a part of it all!! I’ve got a $50 off discount code that is good for the first 3 people who use it! Go HERE and use the code KRISTAPHOTO2012 to get $50 off your registration! I hope you can come!!!
Inspire Boston 2011
You may or may not know that for the last 2 years, I’ve been part of a small group of photographers who have planned, organized, and put on a local wedding photography conference called Inspire Boston. The first year was awesome, and this year’s was even better! The whole conference is based around the concept of peer-to-peer mentoring and the idea that as we build relationships with one another and our community grows stronger – we’ll all become better photographers and business owners. It was an intimate conference of just 125 people, and we held it at Concord’s Colonial Inn which gave the whole thing a very cozy and New Englandy vibe. There were a handful of great (mostly local) instructors for presentations, shooting workshops, and mentoring sessions. We also scheduled in tons of free time so that even more learning, inspiration, and encouragement could happen in between the formal class times. And this year we added in Vendor Lounge so that people could connect with some of the industry and the area’s best vendors. All in all, it was pretty fabulous!
Between preparing for my presentation and organizing all the logistics – I didn’t take too many photos for those three days! But here are a few of my favorites from the last day of the conference…
My fabulous assistant, CoCo Boardman shot a few images during & after my presentation with Enna Grazier. Our presentation was on Creating a Sustainable Brand. It went really well, which was exciting, and also a huge relief!
It was especially cool talking with people after the presentation, hearing their feedback – but also watching people talking and brainstorming together. People seemed really inspired to figure out who they really are, and what they want their business to be. Love it!
Later that night we had a Wrap Party at LensProToGo complete with pizza, raffle prizes and a very fun ring light to play with :) I loved this shot CoCo got of me!
Tabitha looks like she’s singing a sad song… I love her :)
that’s tougher than it looks, eh Larry?
dude, CoCo’s mean!
aw, Paul & Krystal :)
Here’s a shot of the whole crowd at the Wrap Party (courtesy of Raw Photo Design)
And the “Dream Team” who planned & organized the event: CoCo, me, Mark Higgins, Krystal & Paul McNerney, Carla Ten Eyk, Candice Coppola, Diana Chouinard, Matt & Enna Grazier (the masterminds behind the whole thing), and Richard Esposito. What a blessing it’s been to work with these lovely people!!
After the wrap party, came the best part, really – the AFTER PARTY! A bunch of us went back to the Inn for a concert by Jimmy Mazzy & Friends – the most fabulous little old jazz band in the world. Oh, they were soooo fun!!! And they play every Wednesday night at the Colonial Inn, if you ever want to check them out!!
Gid. He’s my favorite!
The Incredible Mr. Jimmy Mazzy!
I had to show Gid how to use his camera on his phone, but once he figured it out, he couldn’t put it down!
see, he’s just delightful :)
Thanks again to everyone who participated in Inspire Boston 2011!!!! I had a great time, and am already excited for next year! We’ve already begun planning for 2012 so stay tuned for details coming in the next few months!!
If you’d like to view more of my images from Inspire Boston, check out the album on Facebook.
Photo Biz Boot Camp
Here are some photos from our last day of camp…
Matt Grazier workin’ it for the camera

Maureen Ford being photographed by, um, everyone
Eric Laurits, aka :e: in between shots
Meghan Thomas – one of the few of us who actually seems to like having her picture taken
Lauren Rutten laughing it up, enjoying life, thinking about the “darkroom,” I’m sure ;)
(ah, you had to be there…)
Amanda Harris playing with the Grazier’s puppy, Jackson
I’m really excited about the next year in my business and I can’t wait to see what happens when I start putting all of this into action. Big changes will be coming, so stay tuned…