Krista Photography Portraits site is LIVE!

Oh boy, I’ve been waiting for this post for MONTHS!  I’ve been working hard to collect and edit down my favorite portrait photos to fill the galleries of my BRAND NEW portraits website!  And now, I proudly introduce you to!

Picture 8

It basically looks and works just like my weddings site, but is all about portraits.  Geniusy, eh?  Take a look! Let me know what you think, I’d love to hear your thoughts!!

Sneak peak…

Oooooh! The new website is almost done! I’m so excited I could almost pee my pants! but I won’t – don’t worry :)

Here’s a little sneak peak to get you all excited too…

the splash page

the site in all it’s glory

the cute menu bar at the bottom

Seriously, I LOVE this site! I’m so excited to get it finished and online for all of you to see!
Soon, very soon…